Solar Panel Installation Concord County, NC

When you choose solar power, the sun will shine brighter and generate more clean energy for you. You can also enjoy the benefits of lower electric bills and decreased dependency on fossil fuels. Touch Of Power Solutions has been in the solar energy business for years, and as a BBB-accredited company, we are committed to providing environmentally sensitive solutions that meet your needs. When you turn your home or business into a power plant with our solar panel installation Concord County, NC service, you will be reducing your environmental impact while enjoying the benefits of lower energy bills!

About us

Are you looking to install or repair a solar system in your home or commercial building? We are an eco-friendly and affordable solution for all your solar needs! Touch Of Power Solutions provides high-quality installation and repairs for residential and commercial buildings. Our experts will assist you from start to finish with every need and answer any questions that you may have. Save money on energy costs, take care of the environment, and join us in the future of renewable energy today! Work directly with a licensed and solar-certified expert from our 24/7 customer service to find the best solar installation package for your needs.

Solar Panel Installers Concord County, NC

Solar power saves the environment from harmful emissions and fossil fuels, which is why we’re here- to let you know how to get on board with solar power in Concord County, NC. Whether you want to save money on your energy bills or save the environment from harmful emissions, we’ve got you covered- our solar panel installers Concord County, NC can put panels on your house in just a day. You could be a homeowner or business owner who’s thinking about going solar, or someone who already has solar panels installed and is looking to buy or sell their system. No matter what stage you’re in, We make it easy for you to go solar. Don’t wait, get in touch with us today!


Solar panels are a great option for homeowners who want to save money on their energy bills. They also help reduce carbon emissions, so that’s another good thing.

The company’s reputation is one factor to consider, but other things are just as important like how much they charge per month and whether or not their prices include tax credits. 

Yes, it will work during nighttime without any hassle! Our technicians are trained to install and maintain all types of systems in any environment including cloudy days, windy days, rainy days, etc…

You will need a building permit if you are installing any type of energy-generating equipment in your home or business, including solar panels. You can find out more about getting a permit by contacting our specialists.

The average time it takes to install solar panels is 4-6 weeks, but this could vary depending on where you live and other factors like time of year, weather conditions, and the number of people working on the project at once.